Request a Quote

To request a quote, simply email us a copy of your document, and we will get back to you as soon as possible—usually within a few hours. Our quote will indicate the type of editorial service recommended, an estimation of the length of time it will take to complete the work, and an indication of how soon we can return the document to you. For relatively short documents (i.e. under five thousand words), turnaround is usually within 48 hours.

If your document is short, please send us the whole document, preferably in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). If your document is over five thousand words, please send only the first five pages along with a word count.

Click here to send us your document

If you require a quicker turnaround, we have an Express Service that can accommodate most documents within 24 hours. Our Express Service carries a 30% surcharge.

Our quotes and estimates are provisional. Stylo Editorial Services reserves the right to revise a quote or estimate, should a job prove more labour-intensive than initially appraised. In such cases, we will let you know as soon as possible of any disparity between the work and the estimate provided.

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